Travel Resources
These are some of our favourite travel resources to have while on the road or abroad. We’ve also included tried and tested websites and apps.
Note: some of the links below are affiliate links which means I make a commission at no extra cost to you. These affiliate links help us keep website costs down and occasionally buys us a cup of coffee.

Get your guide
We love this alternative to Viator because you can easily search for themed experiences. The Food tab is our favourite!

Big Bus Tours
When we are new to any city, we are a sucker for a Big Bus hop on hop off tour. It give us a great way to see the city we are visiting without worrying about Ubers or Taxi cabs. It also gives us a sense of how vast the city is.

This is a great way to experience the city like a local with a local. You book an experience in the city of your choice and a host will create dinner for you and other guests that have booked. It is such a unique and delicious way to make friends abroad!

Honey Coupons
I have over 6000 points thanks to Honey and have saved hundreds of dollars with automatic coupons applied at check out on every day sites from office supplies to Sephora purchased. Online shopping has helped me earn!

In flight supplement
Have a grog free landing with FlightFud in flight elixir that comes in mini travel packs. Empty one into a bottle of water, shake and drink prior to or during your flight. Less jet lagged!